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03/25/21 08:54 AM #46    

Vernessa Riley (Foelix)

Hello Everyone,  I hope that you are doing well.  Are the Covid vaccines available to you by now? I am glad that we could enjoy a reunion before the Pandemic happened and hope that it will be over before long.  Hang in there!  Vernessa



03/28/21 07:57 PM #47    

Malinda Younts (Stallings)

Sadly, I saw in today's News and Observer that our classmate Carla Block died February 24th.  I remember Carla as a quiet spoken, sweet girl.  So sorry for her family.

Take care everyone.

Malinda Younts-Stallings

03/29/21 12:09 PM #48    

Carl Freedman

That is very sad news about Carla Block.  I did not know Carla extremely well, but did know her for a long time.  We were in the same 5th-grade class at A. B. Combs, and then were together at Broughton and later at UNC, where as freshmen we went out on one or two dates.  She was a nice person and very intelligent.  

03/29/21 02:25 PM #49    

Sarah Beth Miller

I am so very sorry to hear of Carla's passing. We were close friends at Broughton, through college, and beyond. She was an astonishing person with many gifts. Carla was an artist, she was brilliant, she had a talent for languages, and she was an insightful appreciator of literature, art, food & film. And, having spent countless hours in conversation with her, I can attest that she was hilarious! I will miss her forever.

03/29/21 05:21 PM #50    

Sheron Adele Harwood (Megredy)

So sorry to hear of the passing of Carla Block.  She was such a sweet, smart, lovely person.  I worked for her father, Dr. Bill Block, head of Politics Department, when I was an undergraduate at NCSU.  Her mother, Miriam Block, was a Raleigh City Council person.  Her parents were so outgoing.  But Carla was reserved, contemplative, and compassionate.  Glad to see that her career in the arts was so successful in New York.  She will be missed.       Sheron Harwood Megredy

03/30/21 11:17 AM #51    

Maralena Corter

Carla Block was a good friend in our high school days. She was brillilant and creative with a truely original mind. A gifted painter, designer and writer, even back then. In an era of conformity and questioning of norms, I treasured her unique outlook and insights. See you down the road, Carla.

03/30/21 06:22 PM #52    

Kurt Newman

I am so sad to hear about Carla. She was a wonderful person. I remember being around her a lot when our parents would get together because they were all Professors at NC State including Sara, Maryle, Jim Wise, Al Bredenberg and others. Kurt

03/31/21 10:29 AM #53    

Carolyn Joslin (Watson)

I remember Carla as an ideal of intelligence, personal dignity, beauty, and quiet kindness.  Requiescat in pace.

Carolyn Joslin Watson

03/31/21 12:03 PM #54    

Rebecca Stallings Crawford (Crawford)

I am so sad to read this.  Carla lived near me in the same general neighborhood growing up.  How witty and bright she was and funny and fun.  She will be missed until we meet again in the next place.... 

09/13/21 07:50 PM #55    

Malinda Younts (Stallings)

I saw in today's News and Observer - yes I still subscribe!! - that Frank Barefoot died on September 9th.  He lived in Greensboro.  Keep his family in your thoughts.

Everyone take care.

Malinda Younts-Stallings

09/14/21 12:33 PM #56    


Skip Auld

Frank & I attended UNC School of Library & Information Science in 1977-1978 for our Master's degrees that led both of us to long careers in public libraries. I always considered him brilliant . . . and quite shy. Here's a link to his obituary: Benjamin Barefoot Obituary (1951 - 2021) - Greensboro, NC - The News & Observer (

RIP, Frank

09/14/21 12:44 PM #57    


Alfred Bredenberg

So sorry to hear about Frank. I was glad to see him at our reunion two years ago and to have a chance to sit down and get caught up. I'm sure all of us remember Frank for his kindness and for his courteous, soft-spoken nature.

Alfred B.

09/14/21 03:38 PM #58    

Johnny Burke

Thanks Malinda. I missed that about Frank. Think I've known him since the first grade. A kinder soul never walked this earth. He grew up in a house on Trinity Rd., which is now part of the Carter Finley Stadium parking lot. His dad was a regular customer at the hardware store. Stay safe.   Johnny 

09/14/21 03:54 PM #59    


Tommy Stutts

I am sad to hear the news of Frank passing on. Comfort to all of his family and friends. I , along with Elmer Scott, had the pleasure of sitting for breakfast with Frank the Saturday morning of our 2019 reunion. He was fragile of body then, but so strong in his appreciation of our class gatherings and memories. He was a positive, and thoughtful Gentleman in every way through his life.  Thanks to Malinda, Grover, and others for the info about his passing. 

01/14/24 01:50 PM #60    


Laurie Vass

My thoughts about the possible 55th reunion

Thank you Grover and Debbie for your kind work to keep our little band together.

I share your concern and anxiety about the high death rate of our friends.

The news today about Craig West really upset me.

One of tte ideas I have had about a reunion is a forum in the afternoon to allow friends to tell us what happened to them  in their life's journey. 

I would like to learn what insights and lessons they learned along the way.

Rather than waiting for someone to die, and then saying nice things about them, I would be in favor of telling them nice thngs while they were still alive.

I would have done this wiih Craig if I had a chance.





05/29/24 09:17 AM #61    

William Bradbury

Eric Spinella passed away on May 24th, at his sisters' home in the care of Lisa and Gina. Eric was feeling poorly in mid-April, and went to Rex, where he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer that had spread to his brain, There wasn't much the doctors could do except try to make him comfortable. Most people have done things to hurt other people sometime in their lives, but I don't think Eric ever did. He was a wonderful addition to our lives.

05/30/24 10:34 AM #62    

Buddy Jenrette

I am so sorry to hear about Eric Spinella. We started out at first grade together and knew each other all of the way through college. Some of my fondest memories of school revolve around activities with him. His passion for sports - especially basketball- was prevalent since our earliest years. He was a proven student leader serving in many key positions at LeRoy Martin and NBHS. I will always treasure those days! Best regards to Lisa and Gina! Buddy Jenrette





05/30/24 11:22 AM #63    


Martha Wooldridge (Younts)

It is always tough to hear of a classmate's passing, but especially if he was a neighbor and constant presence during all 12 years as was Eric Spinella. Thank you for letting us know. -Marty Younts

05/30/24 11:52 AM #64    

Kurt Newman

Thanks Will! Jim Oliver and I had the opportunity to visit Eric at the time he entered hospice. Despite the gravity of the situation, we had a meaningful time together sharing some laughs and memories of Ridgewood, Frances Lacy, Martin, Broughton, UNC and beyond. Buddy hit the mark on Eric's personality.-just a great guy! One bonus in visiting Eric, was that Will Johnson was there, another Ridgewood kid like Martha and me-great to catch up with him. I think there eventually will be a celebration of life.

05/30/24 11:53 AM #65    


Alfred Bredenberg

So sorry to hear about Eric. I spoke to him on the phone a few months back after having been out of touch for many years. Greatly enjoyed the conversation and was looking forward to running into him some morning at Whole Foods, where he told me he liked to go for coffee. The first time I met Eric was at that same location when the future Ridgewood shopping center was an empty lot. I was visiting friends in the neigborhood, and we met up with some other kids to play "combat" in the lot, and Eric was there. I enjoyed knowing him in later years in school. One of my best memories of Eric was at Broughton, when he show great courage during a very difficult confrontation -- I won't give the details, but it left me with great admiration and appeciation for Eric.


05/30/24 01:24 PM #66    


Shelley Crisp

This is sad news. I had fun with Eric in Ms. Pascal's journalism sessions. Running around (then) Cameron Village and downtown to solicit advertisers was just an excuse to get off-campus and be a bit free of the NBHS clock. May Eric rest peacefully, his passing a message to be intentional about being present for each other.

05/30/24 02:01 PM #67    

Freda Wall

I remember Eric from elementary school through Broughton. He was an outstanding basketball player and one of the nicest guys I knew. I had no idea he had been ill and I am saddened by his passing. 

05/30/24 03:09 PM #68    

William (Will) Thomson (Thomson)

My symapthies to the family and frineds of Eric Spinella. We grew up in Ridgewood, and attended the same schools, from Lacy through Martin and Broughton, and I know his loss will be felt among many. My condolences at his loss.

07/20/24 02:03 PM #69    


Mary Porter (Brown)

I wanted to share that my mom Dixie Porter passed away on June 8 just shy of her 101st birthday. She taught business at Broughton during our era and retired in 1983. She was healthy until just a few weeks before her death. She had many great tales of Broughton, some of them on some of you!! She loved Broughton and her career at Broughton was one of the first things mentioned in her obituary that she had written.

07/23/24 05:00 PM #70    

Francis Hale

I am sorry to hear about your Mom. I wonder if she taught typing? I was the worst student, and had to learn it the hard way. The teacher was very patient.

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